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发布时间:2012/11/26 8:53:00 访问次数:8598



演讲话题:My City

组织者:刘琳  程茜


马晓豫: delicious food in Qinghai ( beef, mutton, lamb), characteristic of multi-ethnic groups

叶楠: Beijing —— a fascinating mix of the past and the present, designer stores, homes built around courtyards

张兰: Kunming —— a city of flowers, pleasant climate, peaceful lifestyle, streets without traffic lights

齐润坤: Beijing —— a city with a long history and its distinctive style, high-rise apartment, skyscrapers, attached to this city




地点:会议室(1  高中部办公楼四层校长办公室对面

演讲主题:The films I love best

l          Tell others what the story is about in the film  介绍一下该部电影的故事梗概

l          What do you like about this film?  你喜欢这部电影哪些方面?

l          What types of films do you like? Why?  你喜欢哪一类的电影?为什么?

You are encouraged to prepare PPT or video clips of the films beforehand so that others can share your films in the best way.




plot 情节       special effects 特效

film review 影评

detective film  侦探电影      science fiction 科幻电影

action film 动作片           cop film / police film 警匪片

romance film 爱情片         ethical film 伦理片

comedy 喜剧               tragedy 悲剧

thriller (horror film) 惊悚电影     adventure film 冒险片

director 导演

screenplay  电影/电视剧本   screenwriter  影视剧本作家,编剧

soundtrack 电影配乐

subtitle (外国电影的)字幕,对白译文

actor / actress 男演员 / 女演员        main character 主人公

chronological  adj. 按时间顺序的      flashback  n. 倒叙,(电影的)闪回镜头

physical description 身体的外在描写    psychological description 心理描写

setting   n. (电影发生的)背景

star  v. 1. (在电影或戏剧中)担任主角,主演   David starred in the new film.

       2. (电影或戏剧)以...为主角,由...主演  The new film starred David.


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